Blaqbonez means business

There’s no disputing the fact that the artiste Blaqbonez is making himself heard. All over social media, he’s letting everyone know about his latest single ‘Haba‘. He may sometimes come out as being ambitious or problematic, but he’s getting all the attention he needed. To be sincere, he’s more measured than most could ever imagine. His artistry is not a gimmick. There’s a lot of thought process that goes into each word in his songs. Blaqbonez means business.
“I’m playful but introverted. I prefer being indoors. That affords me the opportunities for careful thinking, and enough time to find the right words to express myself, especially when writing songs. From the depth of my heart, I mean every word I have ever penned. I have never stopped pushing myself to learn. Over time, I have shown that I can rap. Right now, all I’m doing is to push the bar higher. My intention now is to show the hip-hop community that we can make undiluted rap music so relatable to the general music audience.” – Blaqbonez
Socials – Instagram & Twitter – @blaqbonez
Words by Sesan Adeniji: @sesanadeniji