Depression Deep In The Heart Of The Nigerian Entertainment Industry – The Deep sorrow within the spotlight

I must be sincere with you, on the other side of that spotlight some of our entertainers are associated with, is another precinct where most are battling melancholies
On this side of the world, the idea of talking about sex education in families is often a no-no until cases get to oh no! Likewise in the Nigerian entertainment industry, it’s a no go on the notion of SOS on the reasons why we now have so many entertainers that are depressed and suicidal until cases of inappropriate and abysmal behaviours floored timelines and make prime time news. Maybe before you are done reading this piece, some entertainer may be at the tipping edge of plunging into deep gloominess or at a cross road of doing something really drastic. Considering the rate at which so many are looking for validations on social media in a world where the court of public opinion is wrecking havoc, the likelihood for depression these days is even made worse. The same numbers of card-carrying fans are the troll boys and girls in their darkest of hours.
Considering the rate at which so many are looking for validations on social media in a world where the court of public opinion is wrecking havoc, the likelihood for depression these days is even made worse
Should we do the math on the numbers of those that have shown symptoms of depression and suicidal this year alone? Or should we start from the past years? The numbers of those we don’t even know should scare us the most. As a journalist whom a huge sum of entertainers confides in, some of the tears dropping tales shared with me were hard to contain. I must be sincere with you, on the other side of that spotlight some of our entertainers are associated with, is another precinct where most are battling melancholies. Finding the right way to explain myself without sounding like a psychotherapist is one that has eluded me for months since I came to terms with the fact I will revisit the idea of sharing this story. To be sincere, at this point I will just have to say things the way it comes to me. The rate at which this issue of depression is becoming consistent in the system is alarming.
In an industry that reads like an unending success story, how can we have problems like these? To be candid, several entertainers who expends like there’s no tomorrow, the ones keeping up with the joneses and those who failed to re-invest or prepare for the future are running into financial troubles and depression. Those A-listers who also failed to evolve with the system are running into crisis to point of being suicidal. Not to leave out those battling emotional meltdown because they constantly put out their relationship matters on public spaces and most times the rewards for those actions are brutal. Some are emotionally shattered while others are so broke to the point that they are finding it hard to feed. When the pain get beyond the level some can’t control, they take the last route to escape by flying out of the country to go start all over again while those that can’t afford privilege sinks deeper into their miseries.
So my advice for today’s entertainers that still spend twice faster than the rate their income comes in without having a proper future plan, those who fails to evolve and those craving for validation on social media like air they breath, you are prone to running faster into hopelessness and depression. That said, depression and being suicidal is a serious case. Those with such symptoms needs our love. Check on folks to know to how they are doing. Often our happiness and successes are interwoven. Please don’t give up on anyone. These cases are not just synonymous with celebrities, it’s the story of most Nigerians.
Words by Sesan Adeniji
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