…his vision then was larger than those of his colleagues that couldn’t see beyond being a #hypeman for Hip-hop artistes ……He dreamt of a day where #hypemen will become the ‘life of a party,’ the most important component on a show valued on the same pedestal with a performing artiste.’ – @sesanadeniji
Someday when the history of the entertainment industry is properly told,
where the likes of DJ Jimmy Jatt will be chronicled not as the first DJ
that played but as the DJ that changed the face of the Djing industry to a
multi-million dollars sector where everyone is now generating a living. In
that same vein, the story of Do2dtun will undoubtedly read as the
supersonic #hypeman that increased the value of #hypemen. This job that was
once looked at as an add-on, Do2tun changed the narrative. He made it not
only a household name but also industry worthy. He has transformed the role of a #hypeman better than the dictionary explained.
As at 2009, when he started with Industry Night, his vision then was larger
than those of his colleagues that couldn’t see beyond being a #hypeman for
Hip-hop artistes or the fame that comes with the territory. Do2dtun wanted
more. He dreamt of a day where #hypemen will become the ‘life of a party,’
the most important component on a show valued on the same pedestal with a
performing artiste. That same year despite the fact that he was calling his
own shots and dancing to his own rhythm as a major act at Club Deuces, his
major goal was to turn this craft into a major business; an industry where
you can bank your money on.
Fast-forward to 2016, he became the first major #hypeman paid independently
to anchor a major show when he traveled with Star Trek. Like the comedians
from the comedy industry, Do2dtun was being contacted for business from the
#hypeman industry (Now he made it an industry). As of 2018, he was seen on
billboards all over the country as an independent performer like your
well-known artistes. Arguably, none of his contemporaries have done more
professional paid gigs like him. Do2dtun is the major key. He’s the #Hypeman
– Sesan Adeniji
Culled from the latest Mystreetz magazine( Maleek Berry edition )