DOTTi, The Winner Of MTN Y’ello Star Receives A House

DOTTi, the winner of the first season of MTN Y’ello Star, receives the key to his brand new house. Aside from the 5million Naira cash prize, a CRV car, a recording deal, a trip to Berklee Power Station in New York to record a song, and a scholarship to attend the summer class at Berklee College Of Music, Boston, on Wednesday, June 16th, MTN Nigeria presented to DOTTi, the key to his brand new house with an in-built music studio in it.

At the house key presentation at the head office of MTN Nigeria, Mazen Mroue – COO, and Anthony Obi – Acting CMO, both reiterated MTN Nigeria’s commitment to developing the capacity of the Nigerian youths.
“We are fulfilling our promise to the winner, and I am happy that the MTN team has done a great job. It is important to mention that the role of MTN in Nigeria is not only about investing in infrastructure or selling connectivity to their customers. It is not only about bringing people together to communicate, but also it is about investing in talents, and that is very important. We believe the investment in talents, specifically in music, is an attempt for us at MTN to spread the message of love and peace.”- Mazen Mroue
The other MTN Staffs at the presentation are Abiodun Ajayi – GM Data & Devices, Emamoke Ogoro – SM Master Brand, Osaze Ebueku -SM Sponsorship & Promotions and Njide Ken-Odogwu – Manager Sponsorship & Promotions.
Social- Instagram – @MTN_Yellostar
Words By Sesan Adeniji: Instagram & Twitter – @sesanadeniji