Get fit with Deborah Giwa

‘As a fitness model, working out isn’t an easy task. You need more than
determination and focus. You have to be willing to let it be everything you
will always want to do all the time. My favorite exercises are squats,
lunges and lastly my core (strength). The core is the important part. You
have to work on your strength more to perform the other exercises
correctly. It is advised to always take rests in between reps, as that
would make you gain all the lost strength.
The squats are important too for someone who’s looking forward to a toned
body. Taking up the work as a personal trainer, isn’t an easy task as I’m
still working on myself too; nobody is perfect we are all just putting in
our best to be the best we can always be. The most important thing is that
no matter the situation or circumstances you should never give up on
yourself’ – @model_debbie