GOING GLOBAL AND MAINTAINING APPEAL TO HOME FANS – How do Nigerian artistes strike the balance

‘..There’s a difference between taking your
brand to your fans in the international market, and changing altogether to
suit them. They already fell in love with the real you. As much as it’s
acceptable to tweak things here and there, never let go of the content that
appeals to your primary home base audience..’ -@sesanadeniji
Finding the perfect answers to this question has been very tricky for
several artistes and fans alike. As simple as the question is, the answer
is a direct reflection of why some artistes are presently struggling to
have a sustaining presence in the industry today despite their glorious
conquering of Africa or the world. Where do artistes draw the line between
exerting their creative style to suit the global market and still finding a
way to maintain their appeal to the primary audience that gave them the
base to rise to stardom? Several Nigerian artistes have struggled to strike
the right balance.
Has it crossed your mind as to why some of our Nigerian artistes that are
spending more time outside the country either for tours or trying to sign
deals and those credited with new productions and various collaborations
with artistes outside our shores are gradually not having materials that
could compete in the present day scene? The reason why this always happens
is simple; some of these artistes on continental or international quest
simply forget to incorporate content/style that suits their core home base
fans into their new materials. They major on trying to create new vibes to
appeal to new markets forgetting the fact that the new market fell in love
with their original content. As they build/record their new songs, just
like building a house, they fail to concentrate on the foundation of the
house (their core home base audience). Whenever they’re done with the
material for the targeted new market, no matter the aesthetic, it often
does not appeal to their core primary market at home and the new market is
typically indifferent about it.
There’s so much money made from this international quest but it’s as a
direct result of the response from the home fans to the elements from
artiste’s original products. No matter where an artiste goes, he or she
should never forget this fact. There’s a difference between taking your
brand to your fans in the international market, and changing altogether to
suit them. They already fell in love with the real you. As much as it’s
acceptable to tweak things here and there, never let go of the content that
appeals to your primary home base audience.
– Sesan Adeniji
Culled from the latest edition of Mystreetz magazine( Blackmagic edition )