
He asked the woman to leave and when she did, I felt the kitchen got a little smaller. My tummy started rumbling like I was hungry but I was really angry. I wanted to rain abuses on him but I just stood still looking as he walked towards me. With each step he took, my legs wobbled. I got weak, my vagina throbbed and my thighs got moist.
As I got to my hotel room, I felt a type of way I couldn’t explain. I was back home in Nigeria. I dreaded coming back because of my last experience, so I stayed back in the UK. But I guess getting transferred to come to head my company’s new branch meant I was supposed to be home and what could be worse than the last experience from two years ago. I had become celibate – two years and counting, not because I wanted to but work had become my second best companion.
My phone rang and it was Maya – my stepsister. I knew she couldn’t wait to steal from me. I went to open the door, and the first thing she did after hugging me was to start picking some of my jewelry. Sigh, sisters would always be sisters. She started her numerous guy talks and how she got proposed to yesterday and she wasn’t ready but couldn’t turn him down because he gave her great sex, expensive gifts, made sure she was on the right path and supported her career.
Maya had always had her way because she had always been pretty so guys noticed her first and I was happy for her and explained why she had to say yes to her Prince Charming. I started getting ready to head out, needed to feed my eyes, meet an agent because I needed to buy a house. Maya got a call; apparently, the hot girl that just got engaged had a date with another guy. She was so weird that I felt sorry for the guy who proposed to her.
I was applying my lipstick when the agent called apologizing that he wouldn’t be available but a friend would be showing me the house. It was fine with me. I got to the house and met a middle-aged woman; she explained the guy just stepped out. She offered to show me around the house. I saw the pool and the shade, and I loved it already. We got to the kitchen and the only thing I was going to change was the painting – I was thinking about the magic that would go down here because I loved cooking then it happened.
He walked in and two years ago came flashing through with memories. “Jeremy doesn’t stop,” – I remember moaning out his name non-stop – the walks on the beach, the gifts, and our laughs and how he ruined it with just a note. “I had so much fun Care; this week was the best in my life. I left a thousand dollars in your bag, do take care of yourself”. That was the note Jeremy left. I was in Lagos for vacation, that’s how I met Jeremy, I got carried away that when he left I didn’t have any means of contacting him, no social media name, no number. I only remembered his first name. I remember going online through all the Jeremy profiles on Facebook and how hurt I was.
I got back to reality, and standing right there was the same Jeremy – the one that made me dread coming back to Nigeria. He hurt me but he was the only one I wanted. I was angry; I walked to him and gave him the hardest slap I could bring from my angered heart. “Ouch, hello Care that’s a bad way to say hello after two years”. He said rubbing his cheek. He asked the woman to leave and when she did, I felt the kitchen got a little smaller. My tummy started rumbling like I was hungry but I was really angry. I wanted to rain abuses on him but I just stood still looking as he walked towards me.
With each step he took, my legs wobbled. I got weak, my vagina throbbed and my thighs got moist. I wanted to stop him but he kissed me, and my whole body surrendered to him. With each touch I forgave him. His kisses melted my anger. He took my pants off and lifted me on the sink. He kissed every part of my body and I couldn’t hold my tears back. I felt his dick and loved the precum my fingers felt and without warning, he raised me and I felt his dick piercing through my vagina walls. It felt good. He went so slow and kissed me. I wanted him faster but he seemed to be enjoying the fact that I was begging him to go faster, he dropped me and I thought what is he up to.
I felt ashamed and started picking up my clothes to leave and he said, “Where are you going?”. I didn’t reply. I didn’t reply. I tried to put my clothes back on and he kissed my neck, bit my ears and I found myself holding the door with my ass arched back. And he said to me, “You wanted fast, I hope you can handle it”. He kept thrusting faster and harder and I didn’t stop moaning and groaning till I orgasmed. I felt like I was going pass out but he helped me get my clothes on, carried me down the stairs and the next thing we were in his car driving away. As we drove, he explained how he had looked for me because he couldn’t stop thinking about me and hoped I wasn’t married because he wasn’t letting go of me this time.
I woke up in his arms and a cracked voice from so many screams and moaning I guess, and everything kept coming back and my pussy started getting wet again. This time I wasn’t getting carried away with Jeremy even after all he said. I got his office address, social media names, phone numbers and most times we spent weekends together playing like kids. I didn’t need to buy the house again because it was his and he bought a new house that’s why he wanted to sell the former. He gave me everything I needed. We got deeper into each other and I couldn’t have wanted more. Coming back home wasn’t bad after all. But everything good came with a price and I caused the next drama that was about to unfold.
A big client started asking me out and I kept it from Jeremy, I needed this deal to pull through so I decided to lead him on till he signed with my company and I didn’t think it was wrong until Jeremy saw our chats. I had never seen Jeremy so mad, I begged and tried to explain but he wouldn’t listen. The next day Jeremy was at my door, I was surprised because he didn’t return my calls, then I started apologizing again but he asked me to keep quiet and follow him outside. “Care, I got you that vehicle last week, whatever you think that dude can offer, I’ll offer double, do you realize how much I love you Care”. He said to me. I was shocked, I wanted to kiss him but he pushed me back, gave me the keys and said it was over. With that, he walked out.
I was dumbfounded. I begged and cried but he wouldn’t listen. He didn’t pick my calls either. The next week I visited him and we talked, I asked if I could spend the weekend and he agreed then said he was leaving for Abuja in 5 hours. I knew what he meant, I explained everything that happened with the client, apologized again but he didn’t say anything. I said goodbye and left. I had never been treated like this before and I caused this. I wanted to return his house and car but I couldn’t because I still wanted to have a part of him. It was going to be three months and no word from Jeremy, and then it dawned on me that I hadn’t seen my period and this was the third month.
I was overjoyed; Jeremy could forgive me because of the baby. I was 32 so I wasn’t going to have an abortion. I had the means of taking care of this child if it got down to Jeremy not wanting to have anything to do with me or his baby. I know it was over but I stalked his Instagram every day and I was glad my pictures were still on his page and a new girl wasn’t in the picture. I was stalking his Instagram as usual and I decided to say hello via DM, surprisingly he replied. I was screaming and jumping around the house. I played my luck further by asking him out for lunch and he agreed. I was overjoyed. I wanted to put on something sexy but I had added weight so I picked a simple dress.
I got there and Jeremy was waiting. I felt shy and fat because he looked so handsome and the smiles on his face melted my heart and made it harder for me to walk. He laughed and said I look like I needed to hit the gym and he wouldn’t mind being my personal trainer. I laughed. He touched my face and said, “How have you been? “. “Fine,” I replied. “I’ve missed you and you look like you’ve not been missing any meal, your boobs and ass are actually bigger and you’ve got this glow.” I was blushing and I was so happy he could still say nice things to me. I started apologizing again when my stepsister walked in and pecked him on the lips. “Hey baby, hey sis, you look fat, how are you?
I was confused. Then Jeremy said, “I’m sorry, do I know you?” She said baby I’m sorry, I know you’re still mad at me but I took the test. We are pregnant baby – 3 weeks gone, that’s why I’ve been acting strange.” I felt like I was watching a movie. “I don’t know you, I’ve never met you, Jeremy said. I picked up my phone to be sure it wasn’t April Fools Day. I just wanted to be sure this wasn’t some expensive prank, and it wasn’t. I found my voice and said, “Maya is this your fiancé you told me about”. She said yes, I call him Jer. I didn’t bother to listen anymore. I picked up my purse to leave then everyone and everything seemed to be spinning. I tried to hold on to something but I lost a step and I don’t remember what happened.
I must have passed out because I woke up in the hospital and I started crying, my sister and I were pregnant for one man, I was pregnant for my sister’s fiancé. I had lost already, I couldn’t face my family, and I’ll run away. Oh Lord, why me? A doctor walked in and asked how I was feeling and I replied “Strong enough to drive myself home.” He smiled and left. Maya walked in and hugged me. “You scared me, I thought I had lost you, it’s been over 24 hours,” she said. “I’m sorry Maya, I didn’t know he was your man, I’d never do evil to you, I’ll leave the country with my baby. I’ll never speak to Jeremy again.” I said. She smiled and hugged me. I didn’t understand until Jeremy walked in with his lookalike.
Am I having another dream? “Care this is my brother Jerry, I’ll explain when we get home, the doctor said you’re strong enough to leave and it broke my heart waiting for you to wake up, I promise I’m not going anywhere again and I know you’re pregnant.” They were all smiling. Now I understood why Maya called him Jer. Jeremy took me home. It was all smiles as he kept rubbing my belly. He bathed me, fed me and carried me up the stairs. “I’m strong enough to walk Jeremy. “Not tonight baby.” He replied. He kissed me and I knew what it meant. My nails dug deep into his skin as he pleasured me by tingling my pussy with his head and eating softly till I orgasmed, he was so gentle. “You’re so wet for me Care.” He said as he scooped my juice and rubbed my clit.
I stopped him, looked into his eyes and said I love you Jeremy and there has been no other person since you, since our first time, I swear with our child, I missed you and I’m sorry baby. Don’t ever leave me again. He kissed my forehead and promised never to leave again. He smiled, went down and bit my clit. I didn’t want him to stop; he raised his head and said, “That’s for hurting me.” I smiled and he brought out a ring. “Care,” he said. “You can’t say no, you have my heart and our child and I love you too, please marry me and damn I’ve missed you.
He kissed me and this time and as I felt him thrust in my wet pussy gently, biting my lips, neck and grabbing my boobs while my fingernails dug deep into the pillow and my moans kept rising while he started getting faster just how I loved it and then I had an explosive orgasm amidst my moaning and groaning I think I said “Yes I’ll marry you, Jeremy.
Story by Caroline Eligbue
Instagram – @cyrabrasky
Edited and Published by Sesan Adeniji: Follow on Instagram & Twitter – @sesanadeniji
Almost had a heart attack when I thought Care and Maya were pregnant for the same guy

. Was so relieved when it wasn’t the case. I loved it
Wow.. OMG!!!
That twist tho… It would have been crazy if both sisters was pregnant for one man… Notwithstanding, I’m all turned on for some good loving
… #loveyourstoriesChula
Thank God they weren’t preg for one guy that’s Africa magic epic stuff.
Good piece