Killers Of Protesters At Lekki Aren’t ‘Unknown Soldiers’: They Have Names

The blood of some of the peaceful protesting youth killed by men in allegedly Nigeria Army uniform remains on the floor where the shooting took place at Lekki Toll Gate, one of the venues of the #endsars, #endswat, and #endpolicebrutality protest on the 20th of October 2020. As we wait to hear what the state governor will say about the incident, any narrative that suggests that the killers are ‘unknown soldiers’ should be vehemently rejected. We want the names of the killers. Reminiscent of the 18th of February, 1977 – We can no longer allow the narrative of unknown soldiers that burnt Fela’s Kalakuta Republic to strike again. Before the horror night that ensues, the protest at Lekki did not record any violent incident. So what was the reason why the uniform security men shot and Killed protesters?
Every reported army security men deployed to the venue to halt the peaceful protest have a name. The squad leader also has a name. Likewise, the person that gave the order to shoot at protesters also has a name. They should all be held responsible for the murder of those youths. Despite the curfew imposed by the state governor, it’s not rocket science for the authority to assume the protesters won’t back off that night. One could also allege that the armed security personnel sent to de-escalate also came with the pre-plan notion of severe resistance when they opened fire that led to protesters’ deaths. The killers of the protesters at Lekki Toll Gate aren’t ‘unknown’ soldiers. The government should put the names of these murderers in uniform out for everyone to see. We want justice.
Words By Sesan Adeniji: Instagram & Twitter – @sesanadeniji