Migos’ Offset & Quavo Reached Agreement To Settle $1 Million Lawsuit Over Unreturned Designer Clothes

The trio of Migos – Offset, Quavo, and Takeoff have reached a settlement to bring an end to a $1 million-dollar lawsuit over allegedly unreturned designer duds.
According to court documents, Migos and designer Marcus Clark have informed the court of a settlement of the entire case.
The parties were able to hash out a deal during mediation. The trial will now be taken off the calendar and the case officially closed.
Back in 2017, designer Marcus Clark sued Migos over-borrowed clothing and accessories. He said he provided the band with the items for the “Bad Intentions” music video featuring artist Niykee Heaton.
In the lawsuit, Clark claimed to have brought $20,471 worth of clothing and accessories but they were never returned. The designer sued for the $20,000 worth of apparel plus an additional $400,000 in other damages and another $600,000 in special damages.