R. Kelly In Sober Mood In First TV Interview

Although due back in court on the 22nd of March, in his first post spending three days in jail interview, R. Kelly said so much.
When asked
“They are still talking about you with underaged girls. Do you still sit here and say you have never been with underage girls? Can you really say that?” asked King.
“I will tell you this. People are going back to the past. Okay?” said Kelly. “That’s exactly what they’re doing. They’re going back to the past and they’re trying to add all of this stuff now to that, to make all of this stuff going on now feel real to people.”
Deeper into the interview, Kelly began to cry as he told King that he was not guilty of abusing young girls throughout his musical career or for allegedly holding women against their will.
“That’s stupid! Use your common sense. Forget how you feel about me. Hate me if you want to, love me if you want. Just use your common sense,” he added. “How stupid would it be for me, with my crazy past and what I have been through in my way-way past? […] That’s stupid guys. Use your common sense.
Oh, right now I need to be a monster and hold girls against their will and chain them in my basement and don’t let them eat and don’t let them out? Unless they need some shoes from their uncle. Stop it! You all quit playin’.”
“I didn’t do this stuff! This is not me, y’all. I am fighting for my f**king life!” he yelled emotionally into the camera.