If there’s one female artiste tipped by most music critics to surpass expectation this year, that artiste is Niniola.
It’s been about 2 or 3years now since your first single ‘Ibadi’, kindly tell us
all about your journey, what you have done and how you have developed.
Dropped my debut single “Ibadi” in 2014 so its been 2years not 3years
sir (laughs). The journey since then has been a roller coaster, an eye opener. I came into the music industry with just my talent. I had no prior knowledge of
the music industry. Therefore I had a lot to learn (still ongoing) about
the business part of music, work hard and tirelessly, watch and pray as
nothing good comes easy. What I have done, hmmmm in my two years I have been able to put out six songs (IBADI, GBOWODE, AKARA OYIBO, SOKE, J’ETE, & SHABA), 3 Videos (IBADI,SOKE,AKARA OYIBO) with more videos coming soon. I have been featured by the BET Award winner Eddy Kenzo from Uganda on his song Mbilo Mbilo (remix) and it’s on his recently released Album with the Video currently playing on all TV stations. Other artistes have also featured me.
I have also within this period started my own Scholarship foundation
“Adopt-A-Child’s-Education”, from which I have given two students a full 6-
year scholarship that will see them through secondary school. So far so good and I have learnt to keep the introvert Niniola in my bedroom, met and worked with artistes and producers. I can say that I’m comfortable in my own skin.
What inspires how you write your songs and tell us about your new
single ‘Shaba’.
God Almighty is my major source of inspiration. More so, the beat gives me direction, tells me a story from where I pick it up. The beat determines the mood, the tone, delivery and from all these I now create the storyline. The Song SHABA is an upbeat dance song of prayer, prosperity and joy basically.
The ladies in the Nigerian music industry seem to have to work twice
as hard than the guys to break through, what’s your take on this?
That seems to be the case for women all over the world but hey we always
come out strong lol. Well I believe in the Grace of God, Hard work and Teamwork. And when it’s your time to shine nothing can stop it. So we are always ready for the work.
When should we expect an EP or LP from you?
I’m already working on my debut album and it’ll drop when the time is
right. But for now you guys have to continue enjoying the singles and
features, there is still a lot you guys need to enjoy first.
Culled from Mystreetz Magazine