I hear people say; ‘If it provokes an emotion, then chances are you care about the person or situation.’
I am not sure that is valid, take for instance this article; I would very well do without writing on this said media personality in this light, solely because I feel like this issue is played out. Then again welcome to this age, where the Internet permits people to feel like they know your struggle and your family history. So about Toke Makinwa, maybe she gives the media leverage via her social media platforms, it is very much easy to know her itinerary from just peeping at her instagram. It is all there, in posts and videos, maybe it is her branding, and that’s the way the ‘Toke Makinwa’ brand is set up. So long as it puts bread on her table and joy in her heart that’s the important thing. Right?
Then again, her life her rules;
Asides from all the flash and glam that is the made up world and well-orchestrated script of social media, one substantial thing that stands out is the work ethics of this Ondo state born lady. That angle I admire and think the media should focus on. A lot of industry people have attested to her hard work and hands down character, she literally works ‘6’ jobs and doesn’t get tired in the words of Kevin Cossom. That trait is what role models are made of, that is what you lot should take home, the perks are a trap and if these celebrities are being honest they will testify to that.
Her Image;
One of my favourite people that ever lived, Joan Rivers defined beauty in the best way, she said;
‘Beauty is stepping out every day in a new body.’ Toke Makinwa gets the memo; she always comes out looking like a bag of money, be it on the red carpet or off the red carpet. Yes she has had a handful of fashion hiccups, but then again, he who is without sin…
Being in the limelight is not an easy fit, especially one as watery as the Nigerian Entertainment Industry, so when a young lady is trying to leave her footprints in the sand it is only expected that she hits a few rocks. The focus should be on her achievements and milestones that is what matters.
– Oghomwen Toni- Osagie